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Brilliant Light Paintings by Darius Twin

Posted onJanuary 9th 2017Brilliant Light Paintings by Darius Twin

Los Angeles artist Darren Pearson, aka Darius Twin is a master of light painting - a method of rendering objects using LED lights and long-exposure photography. Covering all manner of natural motifs, from fossils and animals, to human skeletons rendered with surprising intricacy considering the artist can only “see” the finished piece in his head and take mental notes of the parts he’s already drawn.

Pearson makes liberal use of colored lights throughout his compositions and opts for maximum cinematic effect by choosing his locations carefully. From the distant skyline of his native city to the star spangled expanse of the wilderness at night, each of these figures is artfully framed and often near reflective surfaces to maximize the dramatic effects of his light play.

A true advocate of his artform, Darren provides in-depth tutorials on his website, welcoming newcomers to take up their own light pens and get creative. He has also elevated his form beyond still images to create compelling animations. It is truly astonishing how he is able to keep his renderings tight with zero frame of reference - an impressive feat that merges art, science and imagination. In his own words during an interview with

“In terms of technique, there are many different ways to light-paint including surface painting, orbs, steel-wool spinning, light-stencils, models, etc. I personally specialize in illustration, and I’ve created my own LED tool to help with precision light-drawing. I call it Night-Writer and it does exactly what you’d expect a Night-Writer to do – it’s an LED marker with different color-tips you plug-in for various lighting effects. I choose locations based on places I find interesting: national parks, sites of historical importance, abandoned buildings, and spots w unique geological features. Google maps satellite view is a wonderful resource!”

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All images courtesy of Darren Pearson. See more on his website or follow his work on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

Curated by Fine Print NYC