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Brown packaging tape is probably not the first place most folks would reach for a creative expression. In this regard, Amsterdam artist Max Zorn is definitely not most people, as demonstrated in these staggering works of art created only with tape, razor blade and a lot of vision. Max demonstrates a staggering technical command of his medium, transcending the most common use of the tape, to produce detailed works of elegance and old world charm.
Art Deco motifs, classical masterpieces and vintage hollywood icons are recurring themes throughout his collection. Each piece is painstakingly built in successive layers of translucent tape that build up into warm tones, deep browns and pitch black where no light shines through.
While impressive in their own right, these pieces come alive when illuminated, as this was the source of Max’s inspiration to begin with:
“There’s a lot of great street art by day, but it disappears after dark. I wanted to come up with urban art that uses nighttime as a setting, and there was nothing more inviting than the street lamps in Amsterdam. In the beginning I used packing tape to fill in larger sections of my marker drawings. Once I hung them on street lamps, the light’s effect opened up new ideas with ditching markers and just using tape.”
All images courtesy of Max Zorn. View more at his home page or visit him on Facebook, Twitter, Be .