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Anamorphic Sculptures by Michael Murphy

Posted onJanuary 26th 2017Anamorphic Sculptures by Michael Murphy

Brooklyn sculptor Michael Murphy develops mind bending perspectives with his signature brand of anamorphic sculptures. Through clever positioning of various objects, Murphy creates a transcendent illusion which is only visible from certain vantage points. A series of suspended spheres look like a random swarm until you stand center frame and they coalesce into the image of a human eye staring back at you. It is a decidedly confrontational and interactive style of sculpture.

Michael uses his spatial experiments to create portraits or symbols, often exploring complex topics and representing them from multiple vantage points. His nuanced approach to these compositions reflect a process of deep thought, with each component of the design playing a critical, though not initially evident role. Walking into the frame there is a satisfying sense of convergence as the intended meaning of the artist falls into alignment.

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Curated by Fine Print NYC