Fine Print Art aims to inspire your imagination and spark your creativity.
We focus on branding, graphic design, illudtration, painting, drawing, sculpting and architecture.
Manchester artist Si Scott thrives at the intersection of fine art, creative direction and typography in this series of pen and ink illustrations. Rendered in a healthy spectrum of styles, from pointillist to abstract, and on to the stunning realism often employed in his renderings of insects, Si demonstrates an uncommon dexterity to his craft. Perusing this body of work, one could be forgiven for believing they were browsing multiple artists, such is the conviction of Si’s commitment and journey into new forms of expression - a feat ironically achieved by his choice of such a rudimentary medium.
In his interview with 99U Magazine, Si discusses his affinity for hands-on illustration and the limited role technology plays in his process:
“I like to be very hands on with my work and only use the computer to piece it together. I still get a lot of emails off people asking me what programmes I use to produce the work! I think I could actually get by without one — having to send original drawings by post or courier and things like that. Computers are great as a tool but I do believe that a lot of people rely on them far too much and let them dictate how a piece is ultimately going to look.”
All images courtesy of Si Scott. View more at his home page or visit him on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter .