Fine Print Art aims to inspire your imagination and spark your creativity.
We focus on branding, graphic design, illudtration, painting, drawing, sculpting and architecture.
Ukranian tattoo artist Andrey Lukovnikov brings the indelible essence of double-exposure photography to his craft in this stunning series of photos. Aside from a flawless technique which superimposes two images masked on top of one anothis, Andrey demonstrates an impressive array of rendering styles. His illustrations can be photographic, abstract, animated, modern or vintage, with various projects traversing multiple styles. He’s also got a solid handle on color, leaning towards a penchant for vibrant, tertiary hues that provide dramatic contrast to highlight his meticulous work. Citing inspiration from other masters, like Denis Sivak, Jeff Gogueand fellow Ukranian Dmitriy Samohin, Andrey continues to exert his own influence, bringing creativity to a new generation of artists who will undoubtedly be inspired by his legacy.
All images courtesy of Andrey Lukovnikov. View more at his home page or visit him on Facebook .