Fine Print Art aims to inspire your imagination and spark your creativity.
We focus on branding, graphic design, illudtration, painting, drawing, sculpting and architecture.
German muralist Martin Heuwold got his start painting the usual targets youd expect from a budding graffiti artist - tagging buses, trains and other moving targets helped him hone his skills and build a tight underground profile over the years. But this wasn’t enough for the Wuppertal native, who at his core wanted to simply make art more accessible to the masses. Rather than tuck his pieces away in some train graveyard where few would ever see it, he worked hard to crossover from “vandal” to “graffiti painter for hire”, an endeavor he would excel at, earning him recognition not just in his home town, but in exhibitions throughout the world.
Whether outdoors or inside there’s a subtle air of mischief afoot, not unlike Wile E. Coyote painting a trap for the roadrunner. Faux facades are often graphic or full on photorealistic, tricking the eye and adding an incredible amount of dimension and life to the most nondescript buildings. In a sense, urban blight is this artist’s canvas, and it’s clear that he has mastered his medium and has a great deal of fun doing so.
All images courtesy of Martin Heuwold. View more at his home page .